“Long live the Central Cemetery”

Central Cemetery 2nd Gate
duration about 3 hours

Make a walk across one of the oldest and largest cemeteries in Europe



  • time of start can be booked individually
  • duration: about 2 hours
  • Price on request

Are you interested?


  • hear the biographies of famous personalities
  • experience the morbid Viennese nature
  • discover gems of the Art Nouveau era


Did you know that the tram line 71 was once used to transport corpses? That happened in the year 1918, during the days of the Spanish Flu. In those days every day so many people died that soon the horse drawn corpse transports became insufficient. So at night the coffins were piled in the trolley car that was already electrified.

Also did you know that the Central Cemetery is home to many domestic animal species? Up until the 1980ies the Central Cemetery was a official hunting area and the forest stand was regulated by forest rangers.

Join me on a walk across the Central Cemetery and admire gems of Art Nouveau architecture. And hear many interesting details of the biographies of some famous personalities that found their last resting place on the Central Cemetery of Vienna.


  • 1

    Meeting point

    Central Cemetery 2nd Gate

  • 2

    Charles Borromeo Church

  • 3

    Crypt of the Austrian Federal Presidents

  • 4

    Graves of honour

  • 5

    End of tour

    Central Cemetery 3rd Gate

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    Weitere Touren